Oscar Mayer
88% of the people who attend sporting events have eaten a hot dog there in the past year, while only 64% of people choose to eat hot dogs at a NASCAR event.
To solidify NASCAR’s relationship with Oscar Mayer hotdogs, we created The Wienie Cup. Oscar Mayer will race their six existing wienermobiles right before Daytona 500 to decide which condiment goes best with a hotdog.
Made with Athena Michaels (AD), Bella Piasentin (ST)
To solidify NASCAR’s relationship with Oscar Mayer hotdogs, we created The Wienie Cup. Oscar Mayer will race their six existing wienermobiles right before Daytona 500 to decide which condiment goes best with a hotdog.
Made with Athena Michaels (AD), Bella Piasentin (ST)
The six existing wienermobiles will be reskinned to the condiment colors that go on a hot dog and are owned by Heinz, Oscar Mayer’s parent company. The sponsors will also be all the sister companies owned by Heinz-Kraft.
The drivers
Oscar Mayer will bring back retired NASCAR Hall of Famers to compete against each other in the race.The Golden Bun Trophy
The winner will get the esteemed Golden Bun TrophyMerch
Oscar Mayer will sell NASCAR-style merch to commemorate the first annual Wienie Cup.HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAT?
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